Company Overview

Our Warehouse and Transport Management Software arms your business with the right software that enables you to run your warehouse in a more efficient and profitable way.

Company Overview         What We Do         Our Team

We provide powerful and advanced software solutions for logistics companies.

Customer care and support is the most important aspect of our business. With more than twenty years’ experience in supplying solutions to the logistics supply chain, we feel that we know what our customers require (and expect) from our software and support team.

The logistics supply chain is rapidly changing and is very dynamic. As such, our software needs to be flexible, accurate and responsive. This is where our warehouse management software Locate IT and our transport management package HaulierTMS can assist logistics managers to operate their businesses effectively.


Significant investment in new technology is enabling us to meet all challenges.

Whilst the traditional pallet based system of moving and accounting for the movement of goods and services is still a major part of our customer base, the rapid development of e-commerce with its associated demands on our customers’ resources (and therefore ourselves) requires both flexibility and quick solutions in a fast-moving environment.

We are based in Linwood, Renfrewshire a five-minute drive from Glasgow Airport.

Our client base is predominantly situated in the United Kingdom but we have a presence in several EU countries.

"We have been using LocateIT for over 15 years, and over that time, developed a very close partnership with the team at Clydebuilt Business Solutions. They really understand the challenges of the Logistics sector, and provide solutions that allow Premium Warehousing to deliver at the highest standard."

Chris Lee

Premium Warehousing

“I seriously believe LocateIT has been instrumental in customer acquisition and also in retaining contracts.”


Jerry Cook

Premium Warehousing

This is the sort of investment that not only saves the company money, but also helps drive the business forward.”


Neil Simmonds

Simmonds Transport