
LocateIT Warehouse Management Software

Our LocateIT WMS provides you with the peace of mind that the warehouse function is under complete control, operating in the manner you require rather than being limited by the parameters of a system.

Get in touch

Get in touch today and get started with a trusted warehouse management partner.

Modular, scalable Designed to drive efficiency in the warehouse Helping 1 and 3PL Providers stay competitive in a fierce market

The major benefit of LocateIT is achieving greater logistical productivity and profitability; by improving the efficiency of your existing resources, particularly time management of personnel. Using a manual or semi manual system, particularly as volumes increase become inefficient and costly leading to stock outs, time wasted in finding  stock, picking inefficiencies; all of which are detrimental to customer service, profitability and possibly incurring financial penalties.

LocateIT enables you to differentiate yourself from your competitors by presenting the latest opportunities in technology to your customer, rather than having them impose it upon you. By locking them into your system, you increase their switching costs, making it more expensive and harder for them to move to another supplier. In the current climate, control of your operating systems and hence costs is vital in retaining and expanding your customer base.

Implementation of our LocateIT Warehouse Management System

This section describes the Proposal from Clydebuilt Business Solutions Limited to implement the LocateIT Warehouse Management System.

  • A Warehouse Management System that integrates with Sage 200C complete with:
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Training and Consultancy required to Go Live
  • Real-time scanning for the warehouse staff – scanning hardware included.
  • Web Portal for Office, Dealers and Showrooms – optionally customised for reservation of Spas.
  • Integration with Courier System
  • One year’s Support – Telephone and email – for Office Hours.
  • Extensible and customisable Reports.
Suggested Implementation Approach

Our suggested approach to implementation, assuming a 12-week lead time:

Warehouse Scanning Functionality
All Processes
  • Simple, easy to understand user interface
  • All actions recorded for traceability
Goods In / Put Away
  • Validate correct product / quantity for a Purchase Order
  • Straight to final location for simple setup
  • 2-stage Goods In / Put Away for separate teams
  • Automatic trigger of confirmation file to Sage







  • Pre-Assign to a User to balance workloads and view performance stats
  • Validation of correct SKU by scanning PIN
  • Build Despatch Pallets for traceability / validation of Despatch
  • List locations and allow user to decide most appropriate route


  • Validates Correct Pallet goes on Correct Shipment – ensures no pallet left behind, no additional pallet loaded incorrectly.
Info by PIN / Location
  • Ad hoc PI checks to ensure system matches real stock
  • Available while carrying out other tasks (Goods In, Pick)

Move / Add to PIN


  • Update stock location in real-time for 100% accuracy
Change Status
  • Identify damaged stock / ring-fence or release and mark quickly to build in Quality Control throughout your area of the Supply Chain

LocateIT Client Functionality
Client Feature
  • Details
  • Simple, user-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive report suite provided, limitless capability for customisation using SAP Crystal Reports ™ (can be sourced separately)
  • Ad hoc Query facility to answer more complex logistics questions, with copy-paste facility
Extended Data
  • Additional fields extend Sage-related data for more control of the Warehouse
Flexible Licensing
  • As a separate product, Licenses are counted separately from Sage
Total History
  • As an installed database, full product history is kept
Pallet-level traceability
  • Full track-trace of Product, from Receipt to Despatch, on a Pallet-by-Pallet basis – including who handled it and when.
Order Manager
  • For controlling blocks of orders, releasing in batches, reporting in batches
Courier Integration and Label Printing
  • Wide variety of options for integration, including:
  • Single-courier (export from LocateIT to one or two key couriers)
  • Agent Integration (export from LocateIT to Shipping Agent who links to multiple couriers based on best-price/service rules)
  • Printing of labels from LocateIT (requires Bartender™ software for automation)

Support Contract Details


  • Our Support Contract entitles our customer to contact our Technical Support team during office hours (0900 – 1730) Monday to Friday, excluding UK Bank Holidays.
  • Contact can be via telephone or email (note that to ensure fastest response for urgent issues we recommend email of detail together with a phone call to ensure receipt)
  • We can also arrange to be available out-of-hours by prior notice, this may be chargeable.


Type of Support Included

  • Assistance with day-to-day operation of the software, advice on dealing with common issues, assistance with diagnosis of network / operating system environmental issues, “bug fix” repairs where advertised functionality is not operational.
  • Remote access to client PCs is generally achieved through TeamViewer software (CBS provide an application and hold the license for this).
  • Remote access to Servers is generally achieved through Remote Desktop to the Server – this is by mutual agreement with the Customer’s IT Department.


Type of Assistance Not Included

  • New development work (new features, new processes etc)
  • Extended Training
  • Movement of the system to a new server / environment.


Creation / Amendment of Reports

  • 3 new Reports and 6 amendments to existing Reports are included under the Support Contract per annum – this total is non-transferrable year-on-year.
  • Additional reporting work would be charged on a per-hour basis (see standard rates)

Get in touch

Based in Linwood near Glasgow, we have a substantial customer base throughout the United Kingdom and into Europe.